Here is that massage position I was talking about in the last post. She can bring deep relaxation this way . . . If view this pic provokes any deep relaxation out there, I'm sure kitty would like to hear about it.
Some of the pics I post are too dark, but I swear they are there. I hate the harshness of flash. I like my pics, like my VSK, au natural.
Sorry it hasn't helped me relax at all, in fact its add the opposite effect and gone all stiff now! ;-)
Happy HNT Day....
I agree with you on the harshness of flashes. Your pictures are perfect as they are. The darkness brings a more intimate feeling to them and, of course, she is sexy as hell to look at.
Thanks as always for sharing. I'm feeling a bit inspired to give myself a bit of a massage right now. ;)
Thats definitely not helpin anyone relx. Its almost 2 am and this got me wide awake :)
Have a great HNT and a wonderful weekend
Damn lady you are SEXY!!!!
as long as we can see her hot body who cares what is flashed.
great week-end
The photos are just fine. They keep my eyes wide open.
Lovely photo. Agree about flashes -I hate using them.
Kitty looks relaxed, but judging from the comments, she's contributing to global warming .. or global stiffening :-)
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