Thursday, March 27, 2008

HNT finally

Yeah folks, we are drifting. With three jobs between the two of us and the weight of our oh so important world on our shoulders, hey, nudity pics and hanky panky are getting short shrift. With luck, we'll do nasty things with friends this weekend. With reality, we'll pass out exhausted before anything ribald and titilating occurs. Thanks for the patience, those of you who comment and visit. HNT! I put in two pics cause I missed last week. Hope that compensates . . .


Naughty Endevours said...

Very sexy. HHNT!

badside said...

Exquisite! Your nipples seem to cry out for a warm mouth. Thank you for sharing those pics!

Blissfully Wed said...

Hoping for a wild weekend for you two, but understanding how life gets in the way sometimes. ;)

Beautiful pictures. Makes me really, really wish we were there to share in the sexy fun.

Pizza Boy said...

Nice pics, I would love to "play" with you.

Piper said...

Love the pics. Especially the first one. Very erotic, leaving something to the imagination.

Well done.

Richard said...

It sure does compensate for missing an hnt. Beautifully don photos

Polyamorous Couple said...

Hang in their you two! It all goes in crests and ebbs, and back again.

Love the pics!