35 years ago, two New York Yankee pitchers swapped lives. They swapped everything, dogs, houses, two kids, and wives. Their wives swapped mates and of those two new unions one relationship failed and the other one lasted, with four more kids as proof.
Ah, what I would do for just an occasional wife swap. I mean, I'm not complaining about my present situation, VSK has been a rambunctious little vixen lately. I love it when she intiates verbally, "let's go fuck" being an especially wonderful phrase of her's this last week. The camera has become more a part of the sex than a documentation of the VSK. So the pics are kinda fuzzy. Its analogous to what she does to my brain.
Anybody wanna do some swapping? You've seen what I've got for trade . . .
Holy cow this is delicious! Mind if I take a bite?
Plenty for everybody!
wouldnt be fair I would want mine back and keep yours too....V is very hot.....very hot indeed....
Very tempting photos there. ;)
count me in!
I don't have anything to swap by I would like to have a go!!!
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