Monday, August 27, 2007

Who's on top?

All marriages, as far as I can tell, have those moments when its not clear who's leading and who's following. Certainly when communication is going well this is moot, all is figured out together. But even after a couple of decades VSK and I have those moments when we are not pulling in the same direction. It helps me to remember that in a lot of ways, VSK is on top. This picture is a visual reminder of why it pays to listen.


Blissfully Wed said...

I'd pretty much follow her wherever. ;)

Thanks for sharing.

Mark cum for you said...

Thats what i call a view!

The Pagan And The Pervert said...

lovely view :) nice undies, too!

P and P

My Fiancee is Hot © said...

Does it pay to listen? I guessed you proved that one...

Great pic