Friday, July 4, 2008

Self-portrait Happy 4th

What I learned tonight is that it is not necessarily easy to take pictures of oneself! But I think I did okay. At least I didn't catch fire from the candles. Another thing I learned is that I can have an orgasm in the time it takes to upload a couple of shots! It has been an interesting week what with Witness out-of-town and planning a rendevouz for next week. Brings about the whole question of the role of jealousy in a relationship! That's a story for another night. This was going to be a Happy Naked Thursday post, but what with the figuring out how to do it all (I'm a virgin, hah) and every thing I seemed to have missed the deadline. Y'all will have to settle on a Happy 4th. I wish you all a great number of fireworks and bangs. I certainly hope to get it in the flesh soon electricity only goes so far! Love everyone! VSK


An Artist Exposed said...

A lovely pair of self-pics - you did them just fine. I love the light in the second one but the first - Mmmmmmm! Happy 4th

Lapis Ruber said...

Great pics. I'm a bit late for HNT but can wish you Happy Fourth anyway!

Pizza Boy said...

If you ever need help taking pictures of yourself call me. I cum running!!!

bdenied said...

well you did a great job and made me more patriotic too

sonya said...

Just came across your blog and i just love it. Thank God there is another woman who doesn't look like a 10 year old and shaves, but has the natural bush. Keep up the great blog.

Anonymous said...

agree with Sonya, love the fact that you are natural :)


Tom Paine said...

Nice tits! And you know I'm a tit man....