Thursday, May 17, 2007


VSK is not a clothes horse. Do you think this is what Macy's had in mind when they sold the dress? Guess marketing works. I don't know if it makes her feel more "feminine or flirty" or whatever but it stirs me. To the fellatio room!


Blissfully Wed said...

You have a fellatio room? I need to add one of those around here. ;)

She's beautiful.


vsk witness said...

Hey Him,

Thanks for the nice comment. Makes me feel a little less shy.

Every one should have a fellatio room (the fish room is also known as the friend, fantasy, fuck and foreplay room-we'll have to see what we can add). It is great to have a place to which we can escape the day-to-day pressures, especially for a quickie while the kids attend to their studies.

Take care.


The Lusty Texan said...

That's a fantastic picture! I'm not sure why, but the picture makes me thing of Glenda the Good Witch from the Wizard of Oz.